February 29, 2020

Opening ‘Scissors’ of the Music World

I mean ‘scissors’ between music ‘makes and make-nots’ (like wealthy haves and have-nots). Because that’s what is happening and it doesn’t help almost anyone, except for the tiniest group of 0.01% on the top of the music industry.  Is this political? Sure it is! At least […]
September 7, 2017

How the Fourth Industrial Revolution will Change Music

A handful of interesting articles inspired me to give some thought to the future of music and musicking. The first was a video The Fourth Industrial Revolution published by the World Economic Forum. A number of scientists, academics and other professionals are talking there about the […]
June 14, 2017

Why You Should Not Forget Your Music Education

Stress is damaging still younger and younger people. Now even teenagers. Average age in onset of depression is 13; it used to be 42! This interesting information presented neuropsychologist Dr. William R. Stixrud at the seminar on Transcendental Mediation organized by the David Lynch Foundation. He […]