Artificial Intelligence is a topic that we can see more and moe often everywhere around us. Just a few days ago one of the largest computers producer Apple introduced their new operation system and new hardware machines, that together are supposed to open a new era […]
A good friend of mine sent me recently a link to an interesting discussion posted on YouTube, and asked for my comments. As the topic of the panel discussion is music, I just couldn’t resist to write my response here on my blog. So, here it […]
It has been twenty years since David Kusek and Gerd Leonhard published their manifesto The Future Of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution. I wrote about it in my April 2017 post called The best way ho not to drown in the “music as water”. After […]
What a question! This must be obvious to everyone! Or – is it? For many people it is obvious. And probably, as it looks like recently, for even more people it is not. Or, should I say, too many people don’t see any value in music […]
This is a very broad question, given the rapid growth of the Artificial Intelligence. But as the main theme of this blog is music, this question relates solely to the domain of music. So to expand the question a little bit, it would be – Are […]
There are few songs or pieces of music, that have the power and durability to stay with us for the rest of our life from the very first moment we hear them. I have written about my personal music jewels in a post here . One […]
Every year in January a lot of electronic technology professionals and enthusiasts gather in Las Vegas, Nevada for an annual trade show called Consumer Electronics Show or CES. There a visitor can see, what has the electronics industry prepared for the next year, whether those are […]
This one will be political. We live in strange times, when almost anything could become a contentious political topic. Even such a seemingly innocuous thing as a piano placed in a public space for anyone to play it freely. I had been browsing YouTube the last […]